Run EJB client application from remote machine

In my last two blogs (i.e. Getting started with Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and Stand-alone client application to access EJB ) I explained some basic concepts of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) along with a sample application and a standalone client application to access enterprise java beans (EJB). The content of this blog is in continuity with previous two blogs.

While trying to run the stand-alone application from a remote machine, programmer may get an “Unknown Host Exception” or “Connection Refused Exception“. This is nothing but a JBoss issue. Unlike Tomcat, JBoss by default binds itself with “” or “localhost”. Due to this reason, with the default settings, JBoss cannot be accessed with the “<MACHINE_IP>:8080” eg. from a remote machine.

After developing and testing the application on Eclipse, stop the JBoss running on eclipse.
Open command prompt and move to JBOSS_HOME/bin/ and execute run.bat -b <MACHINE_IP>.
If everything goes well, JBoss will start successfully and can be accessed from any remote machine.

Now go to Eclipse, do a small modification in file.
Replace the below line

env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://localhost:1099");


env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://<YOUR_MACHINE_IP>:1099");

Now the application is ready to run from remote machines.

Just export “MatheModuleClient” project and create a runnable jar.
Right click on MatheModuleClient –> Export –> Runnable JAR File –> Choose Launch Configuration (RemoteEJBTest – MatheModuleClient) and Export Destination –> Finish.

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The JAR file created, can be executed from any machine inside the network.

Happy Coding… 🙂
Rupal Chatterjee
Software Engineer, Mindfire Solutions
Connect me on Google, Facebook

Stand-alone client application to access EJB

In my previous blog (i.e. Getting started with Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)) I explained some basic concepts of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) along with a sample application. So now when we are quite clear with EJB basic, lets drill bit deeper. Lets create a standalone client application to access enterprise java beans (EJB). The below application is in continuity with the application created in the previous blog.

1. Export the “MatheModuleEJB” jar file.
Right click on MatheModuleEJB –> Export –> EJB JAR File. Browse the destination to create the JAR file and click Finish.

2. Create a Java Project and name it as “MatheModuleClient“.
Go to New –> Project… —> Java Project.
Click Finish.

3. Create a simple java class inside MatheModuleClient.
Right click on MatheModuleClient –> New –> Class. Choose a package name eg. and a class name eg. RemoteEJBTest.
Click Finish.

Add the below code to the class.


import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;


public class RemoteEJBTest {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		try {
			Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
			env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
			env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://localhost:1099");
			env.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
			Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
			MathRemote mathOperations = (MathRemote) ctx.lookup("MatheModule/MathRemoteBean/remote");
			System.out.println(mathOperations.add(95, 45));
			System.out.println(mathOperations.substract(95, 45));
		} catch (Exception e) {

4. Add MatheModuleEJB.jar to the application build path.
Right click on MatheModuleClient –> Build Path –> Configure Build Path… –> Libraries –> Add External JARs… –> Browse & Select MatheModuleEJB.jar.
Click Ok.

5. Add jbossall-client.jar to the application build path.
Right click on MatheModuleClient –> Build Path –> Configure Build Path… –> Libraries –> Add External JARs… –> Browse to the JBOSS_HOME/client/ & Select jbossall-client.jar.
Click Ok. This should add all JBoss client libraries to the Project Reference.

6. The application is ready to run. Right click on RemoteEJBTest –> Run As –> Java Application.

Console Output:

Hence we are able to call two methods add() and subtract() present on the JBoss server from a stand-alone client application.

Thanks for your time. Hope this helps.

Happy Coding… 🙂
Rupal Chatterjee
Software Engineer, Mindfire Solutions
Connect me on Google, Facebook

Getting started with Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

EJB is a Java API in J2EE specifications. Enterprise Java Bean is nothing but a server side architecture to enhance the code re-usability in real sense. The basic need is to keep the entire Business Logic as Java Bean on the server. Here the business logic java bean is totally exposed and can be accessed by clients on the server, other servers and even remote desktop applications.
For example, a mathematical operation java bean with add and subtract methods is exposed from an Application Server. Any client application can share that particular bean to perform a add / subtract task without creating the business logic all over again.

Programmers can to use any class in their client applications which are exposed as a EJB on the Application Server. This is really very powerful. The re-usability of code makes a lot of sense in case large applications with huge business logic.

The below diagram is from Wikipedia and is quite simple & understandable.


Now when we have some idea on EJB, we can move forward with a sample application. Lets create the above mentioned Mathematical Operation Bean.


We will be using Eclipse IDE and JBOSS application server for this application. Below are the steps to develop the application.

1. Download JBOSS application server.
Download from and extract the compressed file.

2. Setup JBoss AS with Eclipse.
In Eclipse, open Server view (Window –> Show View –> Servers). Right click on Servers view and choose
New –> Server.

Select JBoss v5.0 and browse the extracted JBoss folder as the Application Server Directory.

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3. If everything goes well, JBoss should run successfully.
Right click on JBoss v5.0 at localhost over server view window and select Start.

4. In Eclipse IDE, go to New –> Enterprise Application Project. Choose a project name, eg MatheModule and click Next.

5. In the next screen, Click on New Module… Uncheck Application Client Module & Connector Module and keep WEB Module & EJB Module checked. Click Finish.

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Make sure check the “Generate application.xml deployement descriptor” chekcbox. Click Finish.

6. Now the structure is almost ready to start coding. Right click on MatheModuleEJB and choose New –> Interface.
Choose a package name eg. and interface name eg. MathRemote.

Add the below code in MathRemote interface.


public interface MathRemote {
public float add(float x, float y);
public float substract(float x, float y);

7. Now create the bean class. Right click on MatheModuleEJB and choose New –> Class.
Choose a package name eg. and interface name eg. MathRemoteBean.
Add the below code in MathRemoteBean class.


import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.Remote;

public class MathRemoteBean implements MathRemote{
public float add(float x, float y) {
return x + y;

public float substract(float x, float y) {
return x - y;

8. EJB setup is done. We will use the Web Module ie MatheModuleWeb as the EJB client. First create a JSP file and name it as index.jsp. Go to WebContent –> New –> JSP.
Click Finish. A new file ie index.jsp will be created under WebContent.

Add the below code in index.jsp file.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<form action="MathClient" method="POST">
<p>Enter first value:
<input type="text" name="number_1" size="25"></p>
<p>Enter second value:
<input type="text" name="number_2" size="25"></p>
<b>Select your choice:</b><br>
<input type="radio" name="group_1" value ="add">Addition<br>
<input type="radio" name="group_1" value ="sub">Subtraction<br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<input type="reset" value="Reset"></p>

9. Before implement this method, we need to create a binding between the Web Module and the EJB Module. To do that right mouse click on MatheModuleWeb –> Properties.
Go to J2EE Module Dependencies and mark the option MatheModuleEJB.jar. Thus your Web module will see the EJB interfaces, but remember, you cannot call it directly.

10. Now create a servlet. Right click on MatheModuleWeb –> New –> Servlet.
Choose a package name eg. and servlet name eg. MathClient.
Click Finish.

11. Add the below code in doPost() method of MathClient servlet.

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
float result = 0;
try {
String value_1 = request.getParameter("number_1");
String value_2 = request.getParameter("number_2");
String value_3 = request.getParameter("group_1");
if (value_1 != null && value_2 != null && value_3 != null) {
Float num1 = new Float(value_1);
Float num2 = new Float(value_2);
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
MathRemote mathOperations = (MathRemote) ctx.lookup("MatheModule/MathRemoteBean/remote");
if (value_3.equals("add"))
result = mathOperations.add(num1.floatValue(),num2.floatValue());
else if (value_3.equals("sub"))
result = mathOperations.substract(num1.floatValue(),num2.floatValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
out.println("The result is: "+result);

12. MatheModule application is ready to Run now. Right click on MatheModuleWeb –> Run As –> Run On Server.

Thanks for your time. Hope this helps.

Happy Coding… 🙂
Rupal Chatterjee
Software Engineer, Mindfire Solutions
Connect me on Google, Facebook